Dr. Wendy (Xiao Wen) Ye has been practiced acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for 30 years. She studied acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) from medical university in China and graduated with a graduate degree.
Before moving to Canada, Dr. Ye was a doctor in one of the top hospitals in China using integration of Chinese and Western medicine. She is currently a member of College of Acupuncturists of Alberta.
Dr. James (Wenjun) Dai has been practiced acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for 30 years. He studied acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine from medical university in China and graduated with a graduate degree. Before moving to Canada, Dr.James was a doctor in one of the top hospitals in China.
Dr. James was also a professor in medical university in China teaching acupuncture and TCM and had been invited to teach in acupuncture schools in USA and South America.
He was instructor and clinical supervisor in acupuncture school in Alberta before he started his own practice. He is currently a member of College of Acupuncturists of Alberta.
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